Sunday, October 27, 2019

Month Two

It's not her fault, but this little girl breaks my heart every day! She gets bigger and bigger, and that's always bittersweet enough with babies. But it's all made worse knowing she's my last baby! What a wonderful last baby she is though. She is such a snuggly little angel. I can't get enough of her! Anyway, here are some facts:
  • She makes the most adorable cooing and babbling sounds. As with all kids, she stops doing cute things when I try to film her, but I did get this one video.
  • She's an absolute burping champ! I don't know if it's her or if I've gotten better at burping babies, but she almost always does a few big burps in the middle and at the end of her bottles. She also just burps on her own, like when I sit her up on my lap or if I hold her facing me with her head on my shoulder. Sometimes her burps don't have that deep, grumbly sound but are just a puff of air. She's so lady-like! Haha. And we never have to give her gas drops, which is awesome.
  • She loves watching her big siblings. She finds them very entertaining when they play, though she does tend to startle and get big, wide eyes when they scream too loudly. Unfortunately, this happens a lot.
  • For a few weeks there, she had some pretty bad eczema. But thankfully some lotion finally cleared it up (for now).
  • I've started reading books to her at bedtime (when the timing and stuff works out), and the first time I did she reacted so cutely! She was kind of fussing when I started (because she was hungry), but then she stopped crying and even looked at the book. Hopefully she will be a lifelong book lover!
  • At her two-month checkup she was 22" (83rd percentile) and 11 lbs, 5.5 oz (60th percentile). 
  • She's finally starting to like the bath more, but she still always cries when I take off her diaper (making her naked) and put her in. She also gets really sad when I take her out of the bath. I always feel so bad! I think she just hates being cold.
  • She HATES having her nose sucked out with the bulb syringe. I think most babies don't love it, but she truly detests it.
  • However, she loves her play mat. I love watching her kick and flail around.
  • When I hold her facing me with her head on my shoulder, she always chews on it.
  • She's not very drooly (thankfully), but she does blow funny little spit bubbles.
  • We had her blessing at church on September 29th. Grandma and Grandpa came, along with Nana and Papa (of course, since they live so close). It was a nice day!
  • I'm not sure why, but she flips me off a lot. That middle finger is always popping up! I'll try not to take it personally. 
  • She's getting to be so smiley! She smiles a lot for Mommy, but she also smiles for random ladies at the store who fawn all over her. I mean, she is completely adorable!
  • She eats 6 ounces of formula every 4 or so hours (sometimes more and sometimes less) and sleeps from about 10:00 or so until about 6:00. But sometimes she goes to bed earlier and wakes up in the middle of the night (around 3:00 or 4:00). She always goes right back to sleep though, so it's not a big deal. We can even put her down while she's still awake, and she'll put herself to sleep.

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