Love love lovie love love! This girl is a super sweetie. She's warm and snuggly and sweet and calm and wonderful. I can't get enough of her. I want to snuggle her all day. I simultaneously don't want her to grow up and can't wait to see what she becomes when she does. This Mommy gig is hard on the heart.
Anyway, she's still little, but she's beginning to show more and more personality every day. Here are some fun facts about her:
- Sometimes all we have to do to calm her down when she's sad is come and sit by her. It's cute that she just wants company!
- She is a crazy messy eater. We put a burp cloth under her chin when we feed her, and I have to rotate it several times because she soaks completely through it.
- She has the world's saddest cry! I feel bad that I took this video, but I just really wanted to preserve this sad cuteness for posterity. I promise I fed her right after I stopped the video! I was shaking her bottle as I filmed. But oh, the squeaking and snorting!
- One morning Clara was crying in her swing and Aubrey started doing what she called the "puppy dance" to cheer her up. And it worked! I got my phone out and shot a quick video. Since then, Aubrey and Carter have done that for her basically whenever she gets sad. It helps us to burp Clara in the middle of her bottle since she always cries when we take it away. Brother and Sister distract her so we can squeeze some burps out!
- She cries when she's hungry (obviously), but she calms down when we tuck the burp cloth under her chin. She's a smart girl who knows food is coming!
- She laughed for the first time on November 8th! She has only truly laughed a few times, but it's my favorite thing. Here she is doing some small laughs.
- She's sleeping through the night, from about 9:30 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. She also takes amazing several-hour naps in her crib! She's a total dream sleeper. (Hah, a pun!)
- When you hold her, she grabs at your arm and scratches it with her little baby claws. It's super annoying. She also pulls on your shirt in the same way if that's more within reach.
- When she drops her pacifier, she uses her elbow to push it back in. Sometimes it doesn't work, but it's still cool that she tries! This video shows her trying right at the beginning, and then she makes super cute "talking" noises.
- On November 1st, she rolled from her tummy to her back! It was definitely a flukey thing. I had her on her tummy time mat, and she hates it so she was crying. All of a sudden she stopped crying, so I turned around and looked at her, and she was no longer on her tummy! I'm sad I missed it.
- She also fell asleep on her mat one time. I guess she got tired of waiting for me to pick her up and put her in her crib.
- For some reason she won't sit up. When we put her on a couch or chair or whatever, she straightens her body and refuses to bend at the waist. She planks instead! You can kind of see it in the first photo up there...
- She has the sweetest smile! Here are a couple of my favorite smiley photos from the last month:
- She likes it when I sing to her, which is so precious!